Monday, April 2, 2012

Food For Thought!

COLORS play an important part in the type of food that's good nutrition. The same nutrients that keep your mind young are the same ones that give certain fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors. In fact, the brighter or darker your food is, is the more of the disease fighting chemical it contains; also they ward off cancer and help people to enjoy longer and more active lives.

PURPLE FOODS - STAY LIMBER: Foods of royal hue like grapes, figs, prunes, raisins and plums help to prevent joint problems. Grapes are full of antioxidants which are proven to reduce inflammation associated with arthritis, and they also contain boron – a mineral shown to relieve even severe joint points. Resveratrol, the antioxidant found in grape juice and red wine eases pain and lowers bad cholesterol.

GREEN FOODS – PROTECT YOUR EYESIGHT: Leafy greens like spinach, mustard and collard greens, kale, and watercress are filled with lutein – a chemical which protects the eyes from aging. It’s even been found to lower the odds of developing macular degeneration – the most common cause of vision loss in people older than 50 by 43%. According to the National Cancer Institute lutein also lowers breast cancer risk; and since cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cabbage are also filled with cancer-reducing chemicals called indoles, eating just a cup or so a day can keep your eyes young and prevent cancer too. Men who eat cruciferous vegetables at least three times weekly have a 42% lower rate of prostate cancer.

RED FOODS - Lycopene, packed into tomatoes, watermelon and red bell peppers, has been found to proven heart disease and estrogen-related cancers. Red apples are rich in quercitin and a proven heart-health booster. Stoplight- shaded fruits and veggie not only catch the eye but also have many of the top 20 most potential antioxidants, says Daniel Nadeau, M.D., co-author of The Color Code: A Revolutionary Eating Plan for Optimum Health. Adding red chili peppers to your dishes pushes metabolism, increasing your body’s fat-burning power.

BLUE FOODS – Studies show that anthocyanins, the antioxidants responsible for blueberries’ color, can also heighten learning capacity, motor skills and memory, says Dr. Nadeau. They keep your brain young: Joint studies from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge and the National Institute of Aging found that berries protect against cognitive impairment and even Alzheimer’s disease. Just a daily handful is enough to do the trick. The nutrients in blueberry also prevent urinary tract infections, according to research at Rutgers University.

WHITE FOODS – Onions, potatoes and garlic are packed with powerful nutrients that boost immunity and block histamines – the chemicals that cause itching, sneezing and wheezing. In fact, the World Health Organization has recognized onion extract for providing relief of coughs, colds asthma and bronchitis, and researchers have found garlic to have antibiotic properties similar to penicillin. The Iowa Women’s Health Study of 41,837 women found that those who ate garlic frequently were 30% less likely to develop colon cancer.

YELLOW FOODS – These soothe stomachaches and improve gastrointestinal health. One mango contains 7 grams of bowel-friendly fiber, while papayas are rich in an enzyme that helps you to digest protein and carbohydrates. Bananas ease any intestinal distress. For instance: when babies with digestive woes are given a diet of pectin-packed bananas their problems vanish and their digestive tracts absorb 50% more nutrients. Mangoes boast high levels of immunity-boosting nutrients that help to keep you sniffle-free.

ORANGE FOODS – The same compound that makes foods orange also lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Carrots, in particular boast high amounts of fiber called calcium pectate – shown to regulate high cholesterol. In a recent government study, people who munched a cup of carrots a day averaged an 11% drop in blood cholesterol after only three weeks. University of Western Toronto researchers found drinking three 8 ounce glasses of Oranje Juice a day increases HDL (good) cholesterol by 21% and reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol by 16%. Low levels of folate lead to depression, memory loss and fatigue. Snack on folate-filled oranges or tangerines to boost mood and memory.

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