Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tis the season for CHANGE, what have you chosen?

So....., within the past few weeks there seems to have been an increase in protests for REVOLUTION...Wall Street,  California, 7th Avenue.  Are people serious about a cause OR just joining the crowd? Change has a price, and if we are not prepared to pay, we may make things worse than better.  It doesn't have to start big, any action will yield a result. Try to change something you are passionate about, that you believe in; not for the news or crowd appeal.  SUCCESSFUL CHANGE is always about persistence and endurance,  always the finish is more important than the beginning!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Who would you want to be.....?

Human beings are so dynamic!  We are the only species that get to transform our appearances completely, yet go back to being who we really are when we want to.  The trouble is, sometimes some of us have worn so many different disguises, that we loose the essence of THE ORIGINAL completely.  Don't get caught in that trap.  Try whatever you want to try, but ALWAYS remember to DO YOU! How else are we going to know what we are missing? (These pictures are from the Annual Village Parade in New York City)